Thursday, May 10, 2018

May 10, 2018

Classroom Update

Hello Platte Families!

I hope this finds you all well, and enjoying the spring greening of our natural world!  I can't believe we only have a month left of the school year, and so much more to learn and explore..

We had a lot of fun on May Day!  Students had prepared two poems and two flower baskets for the elderly people at the Heritage apartments at Lyngblomsten.  It was very sweet to watch the interaction of these two groups of people.  As the residents were coming to the dining room for lunch, our students presented them with a basket, read their poem, and wished them a happy May Day.  Many wanted to engage in further conversation, and several people told me how much it meant to them to have young people around.  Our students were also touched by this visit and have asked if we could return for another.  Afterwards, we were invited to have lunch in their courtyard and stay for the performance of the dancers that were making their way from Como Park.  This was entertaining, especially when our students started dancing to the music.  A few of the dancers then gave lessons to several interested students, and they did remarkably well!

On our way back we had a scavenger hunt at the Woodland Classroom at Como, and then played kickball at McMurray fields.  I was taken by surprise when I learned that many had never played the game before.  We decided we need some direct instruction before playing next time, but everyone seemed in favor of this.  By the time we got back to school everyone was tired and hot and in need of hydration!

Our Workshare projects are well underway.  Students have chosen a topic and have done some research on it.  Much more is needed and, since we have limited access to computers and resource books in our developing classroom, it would be helpful if you are able to visit a library to support your child in this project.  Some students have begun creating models or visuals of some sort, and are really getting into the process.  Mark your calendars for Friday, June 1st from 2-3 pm, and please plan to join us at school for this upper elementary Workshare!  

We've been studying plants in our science lessons; needs, parts, functions, uses, among other interesting facts.  We observed peas and beans germinate, and then planted these in soil.  Most have gone home now and I hope are finding a spot in your garden!  We are now learning how to identify plants, first by the leaves.  We will soon be going out to identify trees using a dichotomous key, and learn the names of some of the trees in our area.

In math, students have worked on the Order of Operations when solving complex algebraic equations.  We also have been reviewing long division, which has been difficult for some.  We've also worked on naming polygons and measuring their angles using a protractor.  Currently, we are focusing on the seven quadrilaterals and their specific characteristics.

We are using some interesting stories from our Reading A to Z program to read and discuss.  We read all about the Egyptian Pyramids last week, and are currently reading Prehistoric Trade.  This is particularly interesting since we just wrapped up our in-depth study of early humans.  

I hope you weren't confused by the late delivery of last week's homework assignments.  I only had four folders returned on Wednesday, so I delayed it for a day.  Several more came in on Thursday and I prepared the folders, but then forgot to pass them out at the end of the day!  Since they didn't go home until Friday, I told everyone to bring them back by Thursday the following week.  So, new homework was sent today, and won't be due until Wednesday, May 23rd.  Extra time is being given to allow for a community service project.  That will be the last homework assignment of the year!  Thank you for supporting your child in this work!!

Thank you for your ongoing support!


May 10, 2018

Classroom Update Hello Platte Families! I hope this finds you all well, and enjoying the spring greening of our natural world!  I can&...